Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
"And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." Matt.18:5

About the Orphanage
What's Been Done


March 2004
June 2004 (Graduation)
December 2004
February 2005
May 2005
June 2005
October 2005
December 2005
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
September 2006
December 2006



December 2006

Just last year, I had talked with Ludmilla (Assistant Director) about the possibility of helping with dental work for the children. In December we were able to bring two dentists, one American and one Ukrainian with a mobile dentist truck to the orphanage to provide dental care. We had an incredible three days at Komarivka. We were not able to see all the kids but we have a plan to return on a regular basis to see the others, staff included as well as follow-up care. We pray that many will be smiling at the end of this outreach. Sure bad teeth will be removed, relieving pain and teeth will be cleaner and whiter but even more important than that they will hear about the one who make their hearts as white as snow -free from sin because of the Savior's sacrifice for them. Praise God for this provision through Mercy Trucks ( ), YWAM and Smile Alliance partnering with our ministry to the orphanage in Komarivka. God's blessing was upon this whole trip.
We welcome dentists and other helpers for future outreaches at Komarivka - write to us.

We also had two programs with games, puppets and sharing. The kids not only learned about keeping their teeth clean but about the way God uniquely made each of them and His love for them. We gave out beautiful scarves (Thanks Mom) and bubbles ( WCC brought these this fall and they were forgotten) but the children had fun blowing "chilly bubbles" anyway.

We have traditionally done a Christmas Party on St. Nicholas' Day. The party began with a puppet show for all the children complete with life-size characters and clowns. The children enjoyed the excitement of this festive program and the puppeteers shared the most amazing present of all, Immanuel and his gift of eternal life!

As a part of the program, our missionary families also sang Christmas carols with the children rejoicing in the gift of God's Son. After the program of presents (thank you Church of Bethel and Dean and Denise's small group), prizes and songs, the children enjoyed a Christmas party with cakes, cookies and other treats. The hall was decorated with over 150 red, white and green balloons! There were many smiles that day in the village of Komarivka. Thanks for blessing the children in such a special way.

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