Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
"And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." Matt.18:5

About the Orphanage
What's Been Done


March 2004
June 2004 (Graduation)
December 2004
February 2005
May 2005
June 2005
October 2005
December 2005
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
September 2006
December 2006



May 2005

Since our last posting, we have made three trips to the orphanage.

On our first trip, we were able to take 30 brand new mattresses (thank you MANNA Worldwide) to the orphanage. These were badly needed for some of the younger children there. We took 75 blankets that were handmade by the ladies at Grace Baptist Church in Marion, Ohio (THANK YOU!) and delivered them to some of the children there.

A blanket from Ohio

Special big blankets for graduates

We were also able to take more medicine and medical supplies, clothing, school supplies, computer parts and supplies for the repair of the bathroom facilities. We had some setbacks due to the weather - we had snow up until just a couple of weeks ago! The preparations to the inside of the bathrooms was just about finished, with the tearing out of all of the old fixtures, stalls, tile and even some walls that were not sturdy. The director there is so amazed that we are actually doing what we promised to do - they have had many people come through and give gifts of candy and make various promises, but have never had any real help with their real everyday needs. He is so grateful for YOUR gifts and financial help! Thank you so much!

Our second trip was mostly for the purpose of showing the orphanage to our new friends, Bruce O'Neal and Ralph Done from MANNA Worldwide in Texas. Their organization has taken on the orphanage for monthly support, through us, and they wanted to see it all for themselves. We had a nice visit with them - they got the GRAND tour of all of the facilities and were able to meet with the director there. They were also able to meet many of the children and see, in person, the lives that will be affected by their ministry.

Our last trip there was with Lee and J.J. Jorgensen. They are the grandparents of Cassie Bernall, who was killed in the Colombine School shooting in Colorado a few years ago. They have a ministry traveling all over the country, and the world, and sharing Cassie's story through a video presentation, and then presenting the Gospel in a clear and simple way. They were visiting with the Manna family, part of our "team" that works with the orphanage, and agreed to come to the orphanage and share their presentation with the children there. We are not sure if any decisions for Christ were made, but some of the children and staff stayed after and asked some questions, so we know the seed was planted. Please pray that the Lord uses His message to work in the hearts and lives of these children!

Lee and J.J. Jorgensen, Irene and orphans

Girls got buklets "She said "YES" about Cassie Bernall

During this last trip with the Jorgensens, we also took more medical supplies, blankets and clothing, and we were able to see progress on the new bathroom facilities. The walls were basically completed and they will be ready to put in the new tile and fixtures in the next week or two. Please pray that we can get all of this completed in the next few weeks, if possible!

Thank you so much for your prayers and very generous donations for the orphanage here. These children, and the staff, are very grateful and just can't thank you (through us) enough. We know the Lord will use the relationships that we have been able to build with them to reach many of them, and their surrounding community, for Him! This is all possible because of your help - THANK YOU SO MUCH! God bless you all!

Shawn and Amy Sullivan

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