Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
Ukrainian Orphans
"And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." Matt.18:5

About the Orphanage
What's Been Done


March 2004
June 2004 (Graduation)
December 2004
February 2005
May 2005
June 2005
October 2005
December 2005
March 2006
May 2006
June 2006
September 2006
December 2006



February 2005

Several weeks ago we began with repairs to the orphanage septic system. This included high pressure cleaning and repairs to a network of piping and tanks that extends more than half a mile to the septic pond. 36 feet of collapsed piping remains to be repaired, but the ground is still frozen and digging is impossible. The plumbing supervisor, Sergei, assures us that we can continue in a week or so. Pray for warm weather !!!

Last week we purchased 150 pairs of winter boots (A special thanks to Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Jasper, GA) and delivered them with 12 CASES of high quality clothing (Another special thank you to Faith Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL), 2 basketballs, a pump and 300 envelopes. Thank you to Missionary/Teacher Doug Stoddard for braving the treacherous ice , cold and "bolting across the highway horses" to help us purchase and deliver everything . . . in all about 17 hours of driving and many hours in the cold rain to make this happen! Love you, Brother!

We will be returning shortly to deliver more boots, about 30 mattresses (Thank you to MANNA Worldwide), medication for head lice, developed pictures for the children, more envelopes and stamps, 2 sets of hair clippers and hopefully materials and labor for recostruction of the interior bathrooms.

Our legal team is making progress with the documentation for the most needy children. This is necessary so that the children can be adoptable and so that they can receive state sponsorship for schooling and job training.

Continue to pray for our success in meeting the material and felt needs of these precious children and the faithful staff there so that we may have access in the future for a spiritual work in Komarovka. There is NO Bible preaching church anywhere nearby.

Thank you all for you concern, prayers and sacrificial giving for these kids!!! Please continue to pray!

Shawn Sullivan

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